Address: Circuit JULES TACHENY,Rue de Saint-Donat 6, 5640 Mettet
GPS coordinates: N50.30222° E4.65192°
Website: website
Width: 12m
Length: 2280m
Onboard movie: show movie
dB-limit: 101 dB (Original exhausts or open exhausts with dB-killer)
Address: Rue des Hautes Avesnes, 02670 Folembray
GPS coordinates: N49.54592° E3.30334°
Website: website
Width: 9m
Length: 2500m
Onboard movie: show movie
dB-limit: 95 dB (Original exhausts or open exhausts with dB-killer)
Adress: RN 39, 62130 Croix-en-Ternois
GPS: N50.37561° E2.30352
Website: website
Width: 9m
Length: 1900m
Onboard movie: show movie
dB-limit: 100 dB (Original and open exhausts allowed)
Address: Ferme de Fary, 02130 Beuvardes
GPS: N49.10915° E3.50743°
Website: website
Width: 10-12m
length: 3600m
Onboard movie: show movie
dB-limit: 95 dB (Original exhausts or open exhausts with dB-killer)
Address: Rue départementale 40 -Tremblay en France, 95934 ROISSY Charles de Gaulle Cedex
GPS: N48°58’40” E002°31’19”
Website: website
Width: 9m
Length: 2055m
Onboard movie: show movie
dB-limit: 100 dB (Original and open exhausts allowed)
Address : Circuit Zolder Terlamen 30, 3550 Heusden-Zolder
GPS : GPS: 50°59'22"N 5°15'25"E
Website : website
Width : 11-12 m
Length : 4011 m
Onboard movie : Show movie
dB-limit: 98 dB (Original exhausts or open exhausts with dB-killer)
Address : Bilster Berg 1, 33014 Bad Driburg, Duitsland/Germany/Allemagne
GPS coordinaten : 51°47'32'' N 9°4'1''E
Website :
Width : 12m
Length : 4200m
Onboard movie : Show movie
dB-limit: 100 dB (Original exhausts or open exhausts with dB-killer)
Address : Circuit Andalucia, N-340a, Km 483, 04200 Tabernas, Almería, Spain.
Website :
Width : 12m
Length : 5020m
Onboard movie:
dB-limit: 107 dB
Address : Circuit Andalucia, N-340a, Km 483, 04200 Tabernas, Almería, Spain.
Website :
Width : 12m
Length : 5020m
Onboard movie:
dB-limit: 108 dB